MLM blogging is something you really have to do if you want to succeed in the multi-level marketing (MLM) business. A lot of your leads can be found online, many of them who do not even belong to your immediate circle of family members, friends, officemates, and acquaintances. More important, everyone spends at least 5 hours a day on the net, and if you want to draw them to your business, you have to speak the language of cyberspace.
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MLM blogging is not just about making customers, but about keeping them. All successful businesses are built on relationships, and happy customers keep coming back if they find that their concerns are being attended to. How many times have you yourself changed products or dropped a brand because the sales person at the other end of the line was rude, indifferent, incompetent, or would not give you the time of day?
This holds true especially for MLMs where your earnings are dependent not just on your sales, but on the sales of your recruits and their recruits. You have to work to make sure they are motivated and busy working. You have to see to it that they do not slack on the job, without being overbearing about it. In short, communication has to be constant, but not suffocating and MLM blogging is one tool to strengthen this connection.
So how does MLM blogging work? First of all, you do have to have your own blog. A blog acts like a journal, newsletter, town crier, assembly hall, and community assembly at the same time. You post your thoughts everyday and people answer to them. That is the heart of blogging to get feedback from others and engage them in discussions. It's not a one-sided announcement but a constant dialogue.
For MLM blogging to work, it has to be constant. That means you post everyday or at least two to three times a week. Blogs that do not post regularly die away and lose their readers. They also lose their ranking. The internet search engine does take note of your blogging and the more you post, the more likely they are to put your blogs on the top results every time someone does a search of the topics you write about. Constancy is one key to MLM blogging.
MLM blogging also means writing content that is of interest not only to you but your readers. Your content has to be helpful, accurate, lively, and brief. No one reads more than 700 words in an internet article. Make it too long and they will click to the next site. If you don't hook them by the first paragraph, they just might click on the next link.
MLM blogging also considers keywords. Now this is where your concern for your customer and your accessibility to the search engine meets. Readers are the actual human beings who you want to reach and keep on reading your site. The search engine is the one that brings your site in the form of search engine results to your readers or visitors. One cannot exist without the other.
It is also a question of which comes first: the chicken or the egg. Search engine results are not brought in by high traffic, but by key words. There is a formula to having your blog come out on your search engine. Keywords are the words that every reader types on site and which guide the search engine into bringing up your blog as among the top results. This does not happen automatically. Your blog has to follow a certain formula such as a certain number of keywords interspersed throughout the article, the headings, and the links.
Put in too many keywords and your audience might find your article too stiff or redundant in topic and click away. Neglect your keywords and your blog might never end up among the search engine results.
MLM blogging is strategic. You do have to learn how to write taking note of the sensitivities of your customers and the way the internet works.
Finally, never do a hard sell or sell anyone directly online. Get your readers interested in your product and service, but do it as a conversation. You are a friend helping a friend, or a business partner inviting them to better their life. Hard-core selling will only turn them away.
Apply these principles to your MLM blogging, and the results just might be better than you anticipate.
There you have it folks: An effective way to do MLM blogging
Hopefully you can learn from these tips and remember them the next time you post.
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