We Offered Orchard Neighbours Pumpkins for Food Donations, and the Results Made Us Proud to Live in Burlington

Sometimes all you can say is wow. We’re always praising Burlington and saying it’s the best place in the world to live. But until you see the community come together for a great cause, you don’t know exactly how great it is. 

We just ran our Second Pumpkin Food Drive in the Orchard, this time delivering fresh pumpkins to whoever left out a food donation for us to collect. And the outpouring of donations and enthusiastic participation is really inspiring. We’re proud to say:


  • The people at the Burlington Food Bank told us this was the single largest private donation (outside of the school board) that they have received. What!?
  • It took us a full day to gather all the donations, when we thought it would take only a few hours. 

We want to send our biggest possible thank you to the amazing people in The Orchard. Your generosity has touched our hearts, and made a big difference in the lives of some very thankful people. 


We would also thank Mother Nature for giving us flawless weather (See our pictures). Because delivering pumpkins in the rain could have sucked.

Needless to say, we can’t wait to do something like this again. So keep an eye on our blog and our Facebook page to see how you can get involved. Stay tuned for more!

Let Us Help you Find a Home in the Greatest City in the World

Now that we’ve fallen slightly more in love with Burlington, we’re going to work even harder to help people find the perfect home here.

Money-sense has once again named Burlington the #1 medium-sized city in Canada, for the 4th straight year! Let us show you why. 

Click here to contact us to ask us any questions, or find out what’s available in Burlington right now!

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Further Reading

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OMG, He Won. Now What Impact Will Trump Have on Canadian Real Estate

Are we about to see housing prices go up in Canada, because thousands of Americans will flee their country in a Jerry McGuire-like storm out? That’s not likely. But (shudders typing the words) President Trump’s politics and plan will spill into Canada’s real estate scene. If you’re planning on buying or selling a home in … Continued

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Four Big Changes to Canada’s Housing Rules and How They Affect You

The Liberal government is implementing new rules for Canada’s housing market, to protect people from taking on more mortgage than they can handle, and keep us from being the inspiration for The Big Short 2. There is always lots to discuss whenever there is any change to the housing rules, and today we’ve got 4 … Continued

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