Why did you consider moving to Burlington?
We had a growing family and we wanted more space and a slower pace to raise our kids. Things like having a safe place for our kids to ride their bikes became an increasing priority for us.
We looked at Burlington specifically because we were always drawn to the west end of the GTA. Brendan worked in Oakville and we already had friends in Burlington. I knew if we left Toronto that I would start looking for another job in the area because I wasn’t interested in commuting. Going all the way to Burlington was attractive because there would be job opportunities in the city or somewhere accessible in surrounding areas like Hamilton. The house prices were also attractive. We looked at what we could sell our Beach semi for versus what a home in Burlington offered. We also felt the community suited us more. It seemed laid back, friendly, and outdoorsy, whereas somewhere like Oakville felt more pretentious.
What were your concerns and questions about moving to Burlington?
We were worried about the people. Would we find friends and connect with like-minded people? We worried it would feel like “suburbia” – just a commuter town with no culture or identify. We worried about our kids fitting in at school. They had such a great community in Toronto – why were we leaving that and taking that risk of not finding it again? We worried we would be making a big mistake. I was leaving a great job in Toronto to find work close to the new house and that felt daunting. We worried we would regret the whole thing. So far, it’s been one of the best decisions we have made.
What has surprised you about living here?
You can access anything you need within ten minutes (by car). – seriously! It’s so easy to get around. We were alsosurprised by how quickly we have settled in. In such a short amount of time we feel like this is truly our home and do not regret our decision for a second. I don’t look back on Toronto at all – that really surprised me as I thought I would long for it and really miss my friends (I do but we make an effort to get together). I also love how loud we can play music and have family dance parties without disturbing neighbours (as we were in a semi detached in Toronto and heard light footsteps next door). An added bonus is that signing up for parks and recreation programs is a breeze and there is always space!! No more 6am wake ups to register.
What’s your favourite place in Burlington?
RBG – the Arborutum trails are great and so close. Centro Market and Lettuce Love Café downtown are also favourites.
Any advice for people considering making the move to Burlington now?
You will not regret it. We debated this issue for years – should we, should we not? Then we asked why wouldn’t we do it? Burlington is an amazing community to raise our family, with more living space and easily accessibleparks and trails. We love it here and have connected with some wonderful people!