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The 5 Best Halloween Events in Burlington This Year!

Worried you don’t know what’s happening around Burlington this Halloween?  You can relax because I have found lots of places for kids to wear their costumes and collect all the candy they can handle! If your house is anything like mine, you have one kid who has about three costumes she needs to wear over … Continued

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Want To Buy A House In Burlington One Day? Your Vote Matters

October 21st is a huge day in Canada. It marks the end of god-awful election ads. Oh, and the federal election too, I suppose. Housing is a massive issue going into this federal election. We’re living in a time where many homebuyers have been sidelined by new regulations and stress tests, while most of a generation … Continued

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Raising My Kids in The Best City in Canada -Burlington

Ok so I obviously didn’t know when I settled in Burlington 12 years ago that someday Maclean’s Magazine was going to name this city the best place in Canada to raise a family. I moved here for the typical reasons people do: it was close enough to commute to Toronto and not as expensive as Oakville. That said, having … Continued

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Taste of Burlington Review

Neighbourhood  Millcroft Where we went Max Resto Lounge What we loved The tasting menu was a bold choice, in that there was no choice. (Kim isn’t a seafood fan, so they DID substitute that course for her.) The food was amazing, especially the Pork with red wine mushroom sauce. What surprised us It was a … Continued

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Taste of Burlington: Eat at the Best Restaurants in the Best City in Canada

We’re officially in the dog days of summer, but just when you were out of fresh, fun things to do….Taste of Burlington is the answer to your boredom. This great event, taking place every August/September and February/March is in full swing, running this year from August 12-September 2. We took it upon ourselves to not … Continued

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Maclean’s Magazine Names Burlington the #1 City in Canada

We would like to thank the good people at Maclean’s Magazine for validating what we already knew: Burlington is the best community in Canada and the best place to raise kids. Maclean’s recently published their list of the best communities in Canada, and would you look at that, Burlington was named the #1 Community in Canada AND … Continued

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Are You Being Lied to By Real Estate Photos?

Creative cropping and flattering filters on pictures have led to some monumentally disappointing first dates. But is photo-doctoring now leading to disappointing open houses too? We’ve recently come across an article about some real next-level photo doctoring for a Toronto condo called “photo-realistic,” in which furniture and other decorative items are digitally placed in a … Continued

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Dear Buyer,

We are so glad you found our website and hope you find it a valuable resource as you consider making a move to Burlington. We realize that contemplating the unknown comes with as many concerns as daydreams. So, this site has been designed to both answer your questions and paint a picture of what your … Continued

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2019 Best Burlington Schools, The Results Are In!

You think you already know the best schools in Burlington right? Think again. The new scores from the Fraser Report are in and that has resulted in some significant changes.  At the top of the list are some familiar names: John T. Tuck, St. Raphael and Charles Beaudoin Elementary Schools. But some newcomers to the … Continued

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